Lean Six Sigma Australia (LSSA) is a reputable eLearning organization located in Australia but providing a robust curriculum of Lean Six Sigma courses and certifications to our global audience. Our courses are designed to be self-paced, easy-to-follow, comprehensive and relatable to real-life industry practice.
Our experienced training instructors are practitioners who possess in-depth knowledge of Lean Six Sigma methoidologies and employ eLearning best practices in delivering the courses to achieve the learning outcomes.
We offer the best online Six Sigma courses you can ever find on the internet.
Waste and Variations are major enemies to productivity and profitability.
Lean and Six Sigma Techniques provide guaranteed solutions to these problems.
We not only teach you these concepts and techniques, but we also use real-life case studies to practice how they can be applied to solve process problems that exist
Get started with our detailed Lean Six Sigma course. Our comprehensive curriculum covers the A to Z of Lean and Six Sigma Techniques. Nothing is left out!
Sign up to study at your own pace!
Our instructors are masters in the game! They take you by the hand and walk you through the Lean Six Sigma Techniques. You will become adept in using the LEAN, DMAIC, DMADV and DFSS techniques for solving complex process issues